Corporate Social Responsibility
Experiencing the present day realities of the 21st century where people live around us in less privileged and unfortunate circumstances, Qualipak (Pty) Ltd is of the believe that corporate social responsibility as a business imperative must be practiced as a passion of the heart.
One should never forget the importance of society in our lives. In pursuing socially responsible strategies to achieve a positive impact on society, Qualipak (Pty) Ltd supports the work of multiple non-profit organizations and charities who focus on socio-economic development programs that add value to our local community and making it a better place to live.
Over the years, we as a company have gained tangible and intangible benefits by practicing corporate social responsibility. After all, business is not all about the next quarter only.
Qualipak supports the following organizations:
- Blind SA
- Boland School for Autism
- Drakenstein Hospice
- Home Andrew Murray
- Khula Development Group
- Paarl Youth Initiative
- Rusoord Old Age Home
- SA Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind

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